From time to time we deviate from our normal prose on the banking and finance industry and give you, our reader, insight into other areas of the law that impact your business. A recent post regarding overhauling the Ohio employee-friendly employment discrimination law, Senate Bill 383, tops our list of quality reading material.
The post, ‘Senate Bill 383 is an Ohio employer’s wish list,’ from our Employer Law Report blog discusses significant amendments introduced to the Ohio Senate. In particular, Sara Hutchins Jodka goes into detail portions of the bill including defining employers to exclude managers and supervisors, limiting the statue of limitations to 365 days for discrimination and retaliation claims and put a statutory cap on noneconomic and punitive damages.
The oil and gas industry is booming in Ohio and has become another hot topic. This post by Bill Kelly on our Oil and Gas Law Report blog covers how oil and gas leases are indeed classified as securities under the Securities Act of 1933.
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