Banking & Finance Law Report

Tag Archives: Consumer collections

FDCPA – Sixth Circuit Requires Real Damages

  When Congress passed the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act it created a federal statutory right to damages for consumers who suffer abusive debt collection practices. One of those practices, the required disclosures in a communication with the consumer, was the subject of a recent decision by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. … Continue Reading

New Interim Final Rule Governing Garnishment of Accounts-76 Fed. Reg. (Feb. 23, 2011) (to be codified at 31 C.F.R. pt. 212)

A new interim federal rule effective May 1, 2011 protects from garnishment a portion of certain federal benefits direct-deposited into judgment debtor’s account within two months of the garnishment. The interim rule requires banks, credit unions and other financial institutions to change the way they process and respond to garnishments of accounts containing federal benefits, … Continue Reading